Record live concerts or music videos or whatever. We use the high quality progressive-scan Canon GL-2 for most footage and a Canon Elura 40MC for other angles, etc. Pricing is dependent on time, location, other services (editing, compressing, etc), purpose, etc. [contact]
All editing is done with the industry-standard Final Cut Pro on a dual-G4 Power Mac, or a Powerbook G4 for editing on the road. Basic effects can be added to the video, as well as audio overdubs, text, and transitions. Pricing, again, is project-based. [contact]
Video compression is taking giant video files (which usually consume about 3,500KB/second) and squeeze them down to smaller sizes (15Kb/sec-200Kb/sec) with minimal loss of quality for use on the web, enhanced/data CDs, or even DVD. With about 5,000+ hours experience compressing videos, we mean it when we say we're the best at video compression this side of the Mississippi (props to mentor Ben Waggoner for being the "World's Greatest Compressionist"). Be sure to check out the
samples page to see the kind of quality we can create. [contact]
Format of Choice: QuickTime
With close to 200 million downloads, QuickTime is a leader in digital video; and the most requested, most preferred compression format of rkstar, our customers, and people every where.
According to an article in the Boston Globe:
Of the three players, Apple's QuickTime is the oldest and one that arguably is held in the
highest regard by recording artists, Web designers, and film directors.
"Artists are saying QuickTime has the performance and the quality they want,"
said Doherty. "There are contracts in Hollywood stipulating that certain works
can be shown on the Web only on QuickTime."
We recommend QuickTime's Sorenson 3 Pro codec the most, though MPEG-4 is another common choice as it's even more compatible with other players. We can also compress Real Video, MPEG-1, and Windows Media if needed. Audio-only files can also be created.
Original Media Formats Accepted
MiniDV Tape (preferred)
High Quality Computer Video (DV, QuickTime, MPEG, most AVI).
Have another format? We'll see what we can do.
All media can be returned per request.
QuickTime Sample Page
Compression Prices
All prices are negotiable depending on your needs. Note how much better priced we are than our only real competitor.
$10 setup fee. Disregarded if total is over $50.
$30/min of compressed video created (the current going rate for this kind of quality work is
$50/minute of video).
What People Are Saying
"Great job, Dan! How did you get the sound and picture quality to be so crisp in such a teeny tiny file size? I tried compressing it about 20 times and never came close to that. You are the compression king!" - Stephen Bittrich